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- How install Joomla on Local server (localhost)
Posted by : Rock Alber
Sunday, 14 July 2013
joomla cms on your localhost
things you required
1- Apache server (xampp or wampp)
2- Joomla Cms (download from official website)
lets get started..install xampp in your computer
now you can see
C:\xampp folder in your C driver
paste your joomlacms that is zipped when downloaded...and extract it in
C:\xampp\htdocs folder
oka..after extracting rename the joomlazipped extracted folder to joomla or whatever that you can remembers
oka now open your browser
and type localhost or
you can see xampp default page there..
goto phpmyadmin by
when its open...create database name as 'joomla'
and save it
now open localhost/joomla (note: joomla is the name of folder that you copied in xampp/htdocs/)
you will see installation wizard
follow the wizard and press next
when it ask for database name .. type joomla (that we created in phpmyadmin)
username = root
and leave password field empty
now press next ,... it will ask for site basic info , like site name , admin password etc, type whatever you want...and then finaly its done.... now it requried you to delete
xampp/htdocs/joomla/installation directory..
when you delete installation .. you can view your new joomla cms as
and for admin panel.. type
and give admin username/password and then you can confgure site for you :)